5250 Lincoln Hwy West

(Route 30 west at railroad tracks)

Phone:  (717) 764-5403

Fax:  (717) 767-4385


Directions from Baltimore:

North on I-83 to Route 30 west (Arsenal Rd)

Follow Rte 30W about 5 miles

Take Rte 30W ramp towards Gettysburg

Merge onto Lincoln Highway W

Follow about 2.7 miles, auction on left at railroad tracks


Directions from Harrisburg:

South on I-83 to Route 30 west (Arsenal Rd)

Follow Rte 30W about 5 miles

Take Rte 30W ramp towards Gettysburg

Merge onto Lincoln Highway W

Follow about 2.7 miles, auction on left at railroad tracks


Directions from Lancaster:

Follow Rte 30W about 5 miles after I-83 underpass

Take Rte 30W ramp towards Gettysburg

Merge onto Lincoln Highway W

Follow about 2.7 miles, auction on left at railroad tracks